Highly Functionalized Fine Organic Compounds

Our ability to prepare functionalized organometallic reagents provides an entry to thousands of original highly functionalized fine organic molecules. Rieke highly reactive zinc readily undergoes oxidative addition to alkyl, aryl, vinyl and heterocyclic halides under mild conditions to generate the corresponding organozinc reagent. Significantly, this reaction will tolerate any functionality in the halide and this route provides hundreds of functionalized organozinc reagents. Cross coupling these reagents with a wide range of electrophiles and catalysts yields an extensive list of functionalized fine organic compounds. These exciting molecules are proving to be extremely valuable building blocks for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.

Rieke Metals, Inc offers a wide variety of Highly Functional Fine Organic Compounds:

4100 - Substituted Thiophenes

5000 - Functionalized Benzophenones

5500 - Heterocyclic Ketones

6000 - Functionalized Ketones

6250 - Functionalized Benzoylacetonitriles

6500 - Functionalized Trifluoromethyl Ketones

7000 - Functionalized Ketoacids

7500 - Functionalized Ketoesters

8000 - Functionalized Aldehydes and Acetals

8500 - Functionalized Ketoacetals

9000 - 1-Keto-3-Protected Aldehydes

10000 - Functionalized Terminal Alkenes

11000 - Biphenyls (Heterocyclic, Bipyridines, and Pyridyl Phenylamines)

14000 - Alpha-Ketoesters and Acids

18000 - Cyclopentane Dicarboxylic Acids, Anydrides, Ester Acids, and Derivatives

18500 - Cyclohexane Dicarboxylic Acids, Anydrides, Ester Acids, and Derivatives